Thursday, September 3, 2009


Last May I loaded up the car with treasures it was time to part with. I drove to DI (Deseret Industries) thrift store. I drove around to the back where the drop off is located, unloaded and was ready for my next errand. Instead I drove to the front of the store, parked and thought I'd do a little, very selective shopping. While cruising down an isle I heard my name called, it was dear friend Kathy. She's a selective shopper too. I showed her my "finds",
blue Bell canning jars
to use as votives when it cools down and we're enjoying eating outside and
a Cuba poster.
I don't have a "thing" for Cuba and was really surprised how drawn I was to it. I actually thought it was something Linny would like. But I became so attached to it by the time I'd plunked down my $5.00 and driven home that I knew Linny wouldn't want it and it wanted to live with me.
It was in a puny, narrow black plastic frame and I knew I'd want to replace it. I checked out the frames at Micha*ls and found what I wanted. I just needed a 50% off coupon and a little spare cash. Well, armed with both coupon and cash I returned this week to Micha*ls only to find the frame already 50% off.
Sorry for that reflection.

"Holiday Isle of the Tropics". Hope no one will blush over the leggie girl with her off the shoulder dress. I didn't even notice her dress style for days.

I don't mind having to save or wait for a purchase. It just makes it all the more sweeter.


CK said...

someday, when we have the means, you'll have to come do my whole house. I love your style. Very nice!

Shelbey said...

That's something I wish I knew how to do a little better- saving and waiting to make a purchase...I always have to have it right then!


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