Friday, October 3, 2008


What do I do after a pie baking class-I wash all the aprons and kitchen towels, stand back and admire them on the "solar drier", run and get my camera so you can see them too. I think I'm a bit odd, and admitting it, about my aprons and solar drier. Well, I just assume you love me anyway. I love the history of my aprons and it makes me smile. Talented Skippie's beautifully made floral, red IKEA, blue check from Oregon, green and brown hand crafted by darlings Tammy & Lisa W., multi patchwork gift from Trevlyn and red Lake Oswego Farmer's Market, an actual gift to myself. My Oregon garage sale white apron was in the white load so it's not on the line but I will share it in the future. Just too cute with the hand embroidery.

At the other end of the line are the 4 gold and blue napkins Trevlyn gifted me this week. One of her great thrifting finds. I love them, thanks sweetie.

Last Saturday I went to a fabric store looking for blue and white fabric to recover my sofa pillows and was disappointed to find nothing that tickled my fancy. I stopped at Tar.get to purchase a frame (and found a great one at 1/2 price...scorrrrrrrrrrrrre) and accidentally found these great, feather filled pillows that did do the tickle thing. I wanted a couple more but there were no more. More to this story....
Cute friend Kathy, a.k.a. KMS, made a surprise visit and gifted me with these wonderful little crows on corn that now decorate my sofa table. Aren't they so cute. Wellllll, she noticed my new pillows and had checked them out in coral but they were too pricey, pre-clearance. I told her of my steal, original prices $19.99 and $26.99 reduced to $4.98 and $6.47. She headed off to a different Tar.get to find her coral pillows. Disappointment, not coral but more blue so she called picked up a couple for me and delivered them to my door (I did pay her back). Now don't feel too badly to Kathy because she scorrrrrrred on her own treasure marked down from $99 to $25. Clearance is such a rush.I thought I'd show you what I noticed while watering my plants this morning. I have to tell you photo doesn't do it justice. It was an enormous caterpillar. I ran into the house to get my camera telling SLK the caterpillar was the size of them thumb.
Actually it was the size of my little finger that is chubby. That's my index finger in photo. Now I hope you aren't grossed out. Just a little backyard adventure.
Now, as if I haven't been blessed with enough goodness and surprises, Jody called and asked me if I'd read glammafabulous's blog yet. Hadn't gotten to it today. She said there was a darling pattern for bean bag bats. Cute, Halloweenie and a free pattern. Isn't that so generous. Just click on Glammafabulous and you too can see this cutie and print off your own pattern. Thanks for your generosity Glamma!!! I love your creative blog and ideas. Jody plans on making her bats out of surprise if you will remember where she works.


Jody said...

That catapillar is really kinda creepy! What did you do with it? Glad you found moore pillows! hugs

Audra said...

Love the aprons, the solar dryer (can someone install a clothes line for me?), love the pillow story and the cute crows on corn, love the score sharing tips.

Now I am off to the link. THanks for sharing.


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