Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grand Conference

Friday we were gifted with 2 grands, Jake and Tessa. While we three waited for SLK to get home from work we played and mainly had lessons on lighting matches. Strange, yes but sooo a 10 year old boy. He must be my blood since his uncles all were into fire. Jake lit all Halloween candles...multiple times. There was the expected lecture on fire safety, on not to play with matches no matter what. Later we all went to Chi.les for a good dinner, ice cream afterward then home. I am always tickled that Jake wants to watch the movie What's Up Doc. It really is a classic. Tessa was picked up by T&M and Jake stayed for a planned sleepover. I was gearing up for conference weekend with a 10 year old. Here is one of his activities. Thanks Jody for the idea of using candy corn.

Though the pool temp is down to 68-69* Jake still swam after each Saturday session.

I was inspired, humbled, motivated and caused to smile much and even tear up by conference talks. I love it when I am moved that way. Thrilled to learn of 5 new temples announced in: Calgary Alberta Canada, Cordoba Argentina, Kansas City Kansas, Philadelphia, PA and ROME, ITALY!!! Woohoo.

I always take notes during conference AND crochet on my grammy flannel blankets. Some of my favorite notes though it is not fair since so much was worthy of note:
1. Faith is not only a feeling but also a decision. One has to decide to be faithful. - Neil Anderson
2. Learn to laugh, he told thee funniest story - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
3. Angels seen and unseen are always near. - Elder Jeffrey R. holland
4. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light. Keeping His commandments is the only intelligent thing to do. - Elder Corbridge (not sure of spelling)
5. Importance of morning and evening prayers - Elder David Bednar
6. Pride is the great enemy of unity. Be a peacemaker. Speak well of each other. Don't sow seeds of disunity. - Pres. Henry B. Eyring
7. Christian courage; don't hate or retaliate. Resist feelings of anger. Meekness is not weakness. Be slow to take offense and quick to forgive. - Elder Robert D. Hales
8. Inscribed plate read "I can do hard things" now her saying is "In the strength of the Lord I can do all things". Stand for the right even when you have to stand alone. Don't focus on flesh-do focus on faith. - Sister Elaine S. Dalton
9. Harmony in marriage requires concerted effort. Temple marriage is a GIFT from God. Lesser choices can be upgraded and worth all efforts made.- Russell M. Nelson
10. We are a global church. Be good citizens, neighbors, men and women of honesty and integrity in everything we do. - Pres. Thomas S. Monson

During conference Sunday I actually unravelled a completed crochet edge to an already finished blanket. It just wasn't good enough and I wonder why I continued and finished the blanket in a stitch I didn't really like. Several more hours to completion but that's okay, I'll like it.It's been a really good conference weekend. I'm feeling blessed.

1 comment:

Trevlyn said...

Thanks for showing them the usual great time! Jacob is constantly asking me if I have any candles I want lit!

I love your Conference Highlights and blanket. I started on the "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" stitchery. Thanks for sharing! So far, so good.


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