I was inspired, humbled, motivated and caused to smile much and even tear up by conference talks. I love it when I am moved that way. Thrilled to learn of 5 new temples announced in: Calgary Alberta Canada, Cordoba Argentina, Kansas City Kansas, Philadelphia, PA and ROME, ITALY!!! Woohoo.
I always take notes during conference AND crochet on my grammy flannel blankets. Some of my favorite notes though it is not fair since so much was worthy of note:
1. Faith is not only a feeling but also a decision. One has to decide to be faithful. - Neil Anderson
2. Learn to laugh, he told thee funniest story - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
3. Angels seen and unseen are always near. - Elder Jeffrey R. holland
4. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light. Keeping His commandments is the only intelligent thing to do. - Elder Corbridge (not sure of spelling)
5. Importance of morning and evening prayers - Elder David Bednar
6. Pride is the great enemy of unity. Be a peacemaker. Speak well of each other. Don't sow seeds of disunity. - Pres. Henry B. Eyring
7. Christian courage; don't hate or retaliate. Resist feelings of anger. Meekness is not weakness. Be slow to take offense and quick to forgive. - Elder Robert D. Hales
8. Inscribed plate read "I can do hard things" now her saying is "In the strength of the Lord I can do all things". Stand for the right even when you have to stand alone. Don't focus on flesh-do focus on faith. - Sister Elaine S. Dalton
9. Harmony in marriage requires concerted effort. Temple marriage is a GIFT from God. Lesser choices can be upgraded and worth all efforts made.- Russell M. Nelson
10. We are a global church. Be good citizens, neighbors, men and women of honesty and integrity in everything we do. - Pres. Thomas S. Monson
During conference Sunday I actually unravelled a completed crochet edge to an already finished blanket. It just wasn't good enough and I wonder why I continued and finished the blanket in a stitch I didn't really like. Several more hours to completion but that's okay, I'll like it.

1 comment:
Thanks for showing them the usual great time! Jacob is constantly asking me if I have any candles I want lit!
I love your Conference Highlights and blanket. I started on the "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" stitchery. Thanks for sharing! So far, so good.
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