Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22nd Greetings

It's Thursday. Christmas is Sunday. Yes, you all know that but perchance my posterity reads this is the future it gives them some perspective . . .
and as I say, this is basically a journal from a mom to her kids.

Child five is driving from Northern Utah to Arizona today.
Yeah, coming home for Christmas . . . with pets in tow.
It will be good to have pets in the house, I think.
Praying for her safety during the long drive.

I started the day with hot cocoa and toast and reading scripture.
This is the Bible that belonged to my great grandfather Amos R. who is the grandfather
of my maternal grandmother Martha Floss.
It has been handed down in the family and I am extremely blessed to have just recently been gifted with it .

Luke 2.

The black ribbon is not for decoration but to hold it together.
My heart rejoices to see my great grandfathers pencil notations in the margins
(not shown in this photo).
To know that he was a man that appreciated the Bible,
and that he read scripture means the world to me.
I did not know Amos on this earth
but his Bible tells me somewhat of the man he was.

A load of laundry is hanging to dry so it was time to finish
the beautiful, soft and tender sweet dough into cinnamon rolls.
Go here for the recipe should you desire.
No raisins this time though with raisins would be my personal preference.

On the kitchen window sill here but then put into the oven to rise draft free.

NO skimping on butter, brown sugar or Saigon cinnamon.
You know about Saigon cinnamon right. Thee only kind to use!

Oh my.
This was one of yesterday's treats from my kitchen.
Cinnamon, sugared pretzels with a drizzle of chocolate.
I think I did not have the chocolate warmed enough and thus thinned enough
since my drizzle was often glopped.
Would those glopped pieces be your favorites?
These treats turned out perfectly.
Happy day wishes to you.
The house is full of the sounds of this CD and I love it.

P.S. I got a call from cousin Skippie this morning. She, Garry and Maddie flew up to OR to be with their family for Christmas. She said she made the Lasagna soup for them last night only she has renamed it Don't Tweak This soup. They all loved it too.


Bob & Marilee Neff said...

What a treasure your Bible is! And, yes, the pretzels with the most chocolate would be my favorites...hee hee. Today we are making "Brown Bobbies" from Great-Aunt Mima's recipe...they are basically cake donuts always made with orange juice because Aunt Mima was allergic to milk. I wish you a lovely day and an especially joyous Christmas!!

Teresa said...

Wonderful treasure-
Have a wonderful week!


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