Monday, April 4, 2011


. . . of free oranges and very grateful to my sweet friend Margareta F. for sharing. A quick wash,

pulled out my "thrifting" juicer (please ignore the numerous "piles" as I am restocking my cabinets - no doors or drawers yet),

my oldie glass juice jar,

smallish oranges, but I'm still so happy to have them.

The output was rather small but oh so sweet and good.

On a early morning walk with Kirby I found grocery bag after bag filled with very large grapefruit and a "free" sign propped up. I toted 2 bags home . . . grateful.

Oh yippee, they are pink grapefruit.

So juicy, sweet, pinkish and delicious.

I ate a lot of the leftover pulp; I'm big into fiber.

Leftovers. The kitchen smelled so citrusy and clean.
Wishing you a delightful Monday.

Happy day, msk


Cindy said...

I've had a ruby red grapefruit for breakfast every morning for the last 5 days. Absolutely love them, maybe we'll find some more when I get there. Can't wait. C.

Bob & Marilee Neff said...

This is too funny....we received some oranges from our nephew in the valley and we made some orange juice, too. The kitchen smelled soooo good. I'm so anxious to see the photos of your kitchen...I've been toying with the idea of painting our cabinets...I'm showing my husband your fun...

Jody said...

Oh Man, I'm dying of thirst for some of the fresh juice. I guess I can go outside with a cup and get some fresh rainwater! love ya

Amber said...

Oh I LOVE grapefruit! That looks delish!


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