Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little Sharing

Aren't these fantastic date . . . bunches, clumps. I guess I don't know thee term to use when it comes to dates.
The date palm is in my neighborhood and I just love looking at it on my morning walks. Thought you might like it too so I'm sharing.

This is the orchid plant that Skippie left for me when she went home to Oregon early this year. I'm letting her know it's still alive, I'm still watering it with ice cubes, no blossoms but the greenery has been great at the kitchen window.

I tried something for the first time this summer, growing watermelon. It was a lot of care and watering in this Arizona heat for only two melons but from just one plant I guess that's not bad. To my sadness and probably due to not being well educated in melon-growing I kept them on the vine too lone. The largest one split open and I had to toss it. That was almost painful.

This is the smaller one. We cut into it and it would start splitting on it's own. You could tell it was a tad "over done" but still good. Can you believe I didn't take any pictures of it in all it's juicy redness!!!! Jake got the first bite.
That's a new little framed print on the kitchen wall Linny and I picked up at the funky, old house turned antique/thrift shop in Oregon City this summer. It's a still life with fruit and I think it fits the spot perfectly. It's a fun reminder of summer and loving family.

Sending you love and wishes for a . . .
Happy day, msk


Julie Harward said...

Thanks for sharing about the dates..I love them! I have not grown watermelon yet but I sure do love to eat any kind of melon! :D

Trevlyn said...

Your precious watermelons! We feel so special to have partaken! Thanks for sharing! Love ya!

Amanda said...

Watermelons are tricky. When we had them we turned them all the time and keept tapping them to tell when they were ready to be picked. Just like you do in the store! :) (we also had a dog who loved the over riped ones! She was good at eating all but the rin. Dogs are smart!)


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