Thursday, September 30, 2010

Confession Time:

I usually start listening to Christmas music sometime in October. I hear so many moan about that music on the radio or piped into stores too early. I've just never, ever, ever felt that way. I really could listen to some of it year-round. I love it.

Well, I'm not here promoting Christmas music (yet) but may I promote, say, Thanksgiving music???

I love this song.

Very old.

Written/lyrics by Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917

Music by Conrad Kocher, 1786-1872

That's music, lyrics with staying-power.

My guess is that many of you are followers of cjane's blog and may have seen the following. In case you missed it here it is and I'm thinking you will really like this version. Rather mellow and funky with bells, banjo etc. Oh, and cjane on tambourine.

So, what did you think?

Happy day, msk


Julie Harward said...

I listen to Christmas music as early and then as late as I it! This song reminds me of Little Women, when they were all standing around the piano singing it! ;D

Jody said...

Bring on the Christmas tunes. As far as I'm concerned anytimes a good time. Also enjoyed the musical number for Thanksgiving. Love Ya

Becca and fam said...

I love that song as well. I too listen to Christmas music starting in October, it's just so happy!

Trevlyn said...

Oh, the video is just WONDERFUL!


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