Each little girls was greeted and given her own tiara. The centerpieces on the tables were vases filled with star topped wands for each little princess. And at each place setting was a Dis.ney princess spiral notebook that the little princesses got the big princesses to autograph.

Many girls and several mom's also came as princesses. Adorable Becca with daughters. You can read her blog Daily Grapefruit , I do regularly and love it.

Another darling friend, also a Becca, with cute daughter. I think they are into the Macaraina (spelling?) dance here. I also regularly read her fun blog Becca and Fam.

This could be the hokey pokey. It was fun to watch. We were too shy to dance. That's okay, "she" came.

This is for you Noelene. This is just a little compared to all the help you have so wonderfully and generously given to my kiddos and me. Noelene and the MOB (mother's of brides) cater our wedding receptions. We give of our love, service and abilities and consider it a privilege. I couldn't be more grateful. I spent today making about 140ish dinner rolls for her sons wedding open house tomorrow. I should also give credit to her husband Kent who works right along side her expertly. Good friend Audra is also making rolls and we used her recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog Little Moments Like This. I recommend it...the recipe and her blog!

I know you noticed the missing rolls in the center of the pan but really, I had to test for doneness. Don't you????? And of course you test with a very little pat of butter also.
I'll show up at the C's house early tomorrow to finish food prep, serve and stay to the very end until all is cleaned up. That's just what friends do.
You are definitely the Roll Queen! I bow to your skills!
For as shy as she was, you got some pretty good shots the of little Princess!
Your the best! It is silly but it makes me cry to think you and Audra are baking away so that we can focus on other things. It is greatly appreicated and we definitly feel the love!
Did you really need to post the Ariel picture?
I love those pictures! That was a really fun night. My girls absolutely loved it! Now, how can I get me some of those rolls! YUM!
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