Friday, October 24, 2008

I Am Empathetic!

When I put "one of these" type of posts on my blog I usually get no comments or maybe one. I still have to do this. Yes, I think I am very empathetic, compassionate and sensitive. I do not discriminate. I am tolerant. There comes a time when a situation gets so unbalanced, so harmful that I have had to take a stand. I drew the line in the sand. You know, how can you not, that I am in favor of AZ Prop. 102 the Marriage Amendment. I do not want to offend or hurt feelings. I have been doing a lot of study. This issue of marriage is so, so much more than let's be nice to all people. Let people be who they are. Be tolerant. There are very severe long term consequences to not legalizing marriage as between 1 woman and 1 man only. Seems such a short time ago we were all up in arms over that mess in Texas and Colorado City, AZ and the polygamists.

Here is another families view and the consequences they now live with in MA. Please, please take the couple of minutes to view this and see their point. I think we all want to be nice and kind. We don't want to hurt or offend anyone. But this is a pivotal time.


Ziegler 7 said...

MarySue I love your soapbox!! is it big enough for 2??
Love you,

kms said...

I'll comment...
Vote Yes!

Trevlyn said...

I have my "Vote Yes on 102" proudly displayed in my yard!

shel7by said...

Good for you! We've been watching that and prop 8 in california.

I posted this on your shaw butte site but I'll put it here, too:

hey shawbutte sisters! My mom (chris) finally has a blog and would love it if you dropped a note... She doesn't know what she's doing but really wants to reconnect with people.

Shelby Price Stroud


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