I loved seeing this ad. Now, these packed shelves look really full but I still like them. What's your take?

I keep trying to step up my decorating but I'm still very casual and I don't know if I'll every pull it off. That's okay. We can't all be decorator's and then too the decorator's need me, my type, who ooooh and aaaaah over their wonderful talents even to the point of fawning over them.
I have also always adored Oriental rugs. I'm so sorry that I let a certain person talk me into sending my only one off to Deseret Industries.
Speaking of "books", are you caught-up in something good you would like to share with me? I'll be checking in to see the titles and any review you want to give. I'm reading "God Wants A Powerful People" by Sheri Dew. Just beginning but really liking it.
Click here for this sale.
have you read "the book thief"? It has a little language but it's one of my favorites. (not F words or like that). It was definitely the best one I read this summer. I also liked "the Thirteenth Tale" - pretty twisty about a girl who loves books.
love to you.
Shelby-thanks for visiting and the book suggestions!!! Love right back at you.
Hi---I agree with you, bookshelves should look attractive and complement your decor, but they should also reflect who you are and be filled with the things you love. What silver from which grandmother are you referring to?
Love, C.
C-It's the silver set Skippie polished when you two were down here; Pearl's.
Oh---I have NO MEMORY of it. Oh well, enjoy, would love to see pictures. C
My bookshelves are full of books, at least the ones in my little loft that we use as a library. It is this little loft maybe 5 feet wide (if that and maybe 10 feet long, if that. We have three bookshelves and a little chair and lamp and it is cozy. Now th ebookshelves in my room are crammed with food storage and seasonal decorations and aren't remotely pretty. I want to but the stuff in baskets or something. While there is great comfort in seeing my food storage it does NOTHING for my crazings to see things of beauty.
I wish I had decorating sense. I try but nothing ever comes out looking quite right!
I should have spell checked. I am sure you get teh idea! LOL
I like the way those shelves look. And by-the-way, I LOVE the way you decorate, your house is very nice and always looks great.
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