Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Can I Tell It's Fall. . .

. . .when I go outside and see sunny skies, 99 degree temps, and flowers blooming in all their glory and an invitingly refreshing pool begging me to dive in head-first?

Two things always, always announce fall to me:
1. I hear the high school marching band practicing early in the morning before school starts (and I'm not even close to the school). I've always loved that sound and then hearing it again on the night's they have a home football game. GO CHIEF'S
2. The Canada geese are back and flying so low, right over the house. Poor Kirby-he gets so excited over that particular noise/honking but hasn't figured out he has to look up. I'll be working on that.

I can't quite bring myself to put up the fall deco yet. October will due but then I might change my mind. I envy anyone who lives in an area that has an Indian Summer season. That's so great. I might have to go hike Sedona for a fall fix.

Are you celebrating fall in a way you want to share?

P.S. Take a look at the tall tree at the end of the pool. It's a wonderful "volunteer" and I love that it gives much needed and appreciated shade to that area during the summer. Well, you know there is someone in this family that is notorious for cutting down trees and this is the next to go. I will so miss the green and the shade but it is messy and I understand...kind of.


Mary said...

MarySue ... please email your address ... I have NOT forgotten that you won the prize!

And I LOVE what you see in your backyard.

kms said...

Oh how I miss hearing THS band practice early on fall mornings.

Soon I will be reminded of moving closer to the track with announcers belting out the winning horses.

I wonder if I could ever miss that.

ashley & joe martin said...

I can tell its fall here in Missouri cuz I walked outside yesterday and noticed some of the leaves were changing already. Feel free to get a fall fix over this way. :)

Trevlyn said...

Pretty pictures and fun reminders of fall sights and sounds when I was there all the time!

I could tell it was fall when Tessa and I could only stand fifteen minutes of 73 degree water in your pool today! It was much more fun to visit and have lunch with you anyway! LOVE!

Jody said...

Love your flower pics. We are so enjoying an Indian Summer. It is soo warm that I look forward to a cloudy day and not having to water my flowers!

Mandy said...

Well we do have our cloudy day today? Who know's by this afternoon maybe it will burn off again mom. The leaves are starting to change. And I beat some of you I have put out a few fall decor. But in a couple of weeks Halloween will be out. Have a wonderful Friday Aunt Sue. 3


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