I don't know if it's bravery or stupidity posting these very candid shots after a day on the lake. The photos were taken by Skippie's daughter
Tonya, click to check out her fabulous blog.
L to R: Natasha (Skippie's granddaughter, me with Abbie the fishing-dog, Jody, Skippie with grandson on lap, Tammy and Cindy. For the unknown, our mother's were sister's and we are so proud to be related, we call ourselves sistercousins. We are also extremely proud of our heritage and have so much love and appreciation one for another, for our mom's, grandparents and extended family.

What can I say about that hair!!

Tam and Jode really enjoying our singing. One of my favorite parts of Oregon /family/vacation is that we laugh BIG and often.

We sing "like nobody's listening" and think we are hot stuff. Tammy and Cindy are great at providing the harmony.

We were teaching Natasha "How Much Is That Doggie..." and the pointing was her clue for sing "arf, arf". Boy were we into this one!!!

Can you tell how much fun we have with each other!! Love you gals!!!
Yes, what fun we had, and yes, you (we) are very brave showing all the candid photos. I hope the love and fun shines through to everyone.
Hugs, Cin
Just got to love those pics of me.
The memories are the best! love and hugs to all!
Great pictures! Next best thing to being there!
I just want to know if anybody wet their pants.?????
Oh I'm so glad you gave me the link to your blog- so fun to see the pictures of all of you at the lake. My mom had such a great time. It is fun to think of the times all of your moms had together.
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