Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm A Sta.lker

This is what my petunia's look like in this heat. They're much smaller than in spring but doing their best to bring beauty and color to the yard. I give them credit, thanks and the best care I can give, even sacrificing as the sweat rolls down my nose.

Part of that care has made me a stal.ker!!!

I begin my stal.king in the early morning hours when the sun isn't shinning directly on the petunias and the air is as cool as it's going to be. I know what I'm stal.king, the hungry, hungry caterpillar!! Yes, I know you're thinking of that cute book. I like it too, but I do not like the reality of what that little beast is doing to my petunias. Just look.

Chomped and chewed, laying helpless on the edge of the planter.
Really wiped out this one!!!
Well, I have spared your delicate senses and not photographed my victory. Not one but two caterpillars. I do dispatch them quickly, no or wat.erboa.rding. If you're a plant lover I know this isn't bothering you and I have your complete understanding. We also have a bug zapper hanging that is turned on at night to dispatch moth-like critters to the beyond. I don't want them laying eggs that turn into more caterpillars eating my valiant blossoms.

This is on my shady, covered patio at 4 pm today. Maybe you get an idea of what it's like when working out in the yard in the sunshine. And to my surprise, this is the time that I finally found the caterpillers. My surprise. The pool looks so inviting.

What's your garden doing?


Trevlyn said...

I have no clue! It's too hot outside for me to go out there and see! hee hee!

Audra said...

My veggie garden is doing good. The heat is makin some plants look sad in the afternoon, but I am getting tomatoes, peppers, and bell peppers. Salsa here I come.

Amanda said...

My roses have a catipiller too, Corben and I are on the prowl. Jed and I just made our first garden box for our back yard yesterday, Can't wait till we plant!

Jody said...

Just planted another row of corn and carrots.Lettuce, and spinach. Replanting lemon cucumber as the others died. Have potatoes, green beans,brocoli,caulifolwer,zucchini,yellow squach,4 different tomatoes, green peppers, sugar peas, and flowering sweet peas coming along great! Strawberry's are getting bigger but not ripe. Have fruit on prune tree, cherry, apple and asian pear tree! The first for all of them to bare fruit. Got tons of flowers planted this last friday, Sat. helped Scroggins cut down oak tree and load to dump,over to Emily's to plant lots of perenials in their new yard. Love this beautiful weather! hugs

MarySue said...

Jody-I'm glad I'm coming to your house and garden this summer. About that oak, do they know what incredible firewood that it?
Audra-I'll bring the chips. Congrats on your hard work.
Trevlyn-glad I can share though it's not much.
Amanda-I share your excitement over the garden and caterpillar hunts.


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