Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bet You Knew All This Already

I enjoy reading fun facts about you. I'm always glad when I've never been "tagged". Well it finally happened and by my own daughter!!! Please know you don't have to read any further. I'm just doing it for D-dear.

I've been tagged!
I've been tagged...Here are the rules:
1. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end, the player tags 5 others and posts their names. Then go to their blog and posts them a comment to let them know they've been tagged and asks them to read your blog to find out the details

1. What was I doing 10 years ago:
Just had 2 of the 6 kiddos at home to care for and run everywhere with delight. Working full-time and serving in the Young Women's program at church. I'm sure I was dieting since that is continual in my life.

2. Five things on my to-do list today:
Kirby to Dr. Greg for surgery - prayers welcomed
Type up agenda and prepare for Relief Society presidency meeting at my house tonight
Clean off patio, driveway and walks
Put away the front closet items after the big clean from the weevil infestation (be careful where and how long you store emergency food storage items that those pesty bugs love)
Itemize grocery store sales circulars for this weeks shopping, shop and make a good dinner

3. If I were a billionaire I would:
Take my extended family on thee most awesome, extravagant, long vacation imaginable. Give my family endless air travel so we could visit all the time. Too much money, too long a list. Boy, I'd have fun and be very generous.

4. Bad Habits:
Eat junk food too much
Watch too much TV

5 Five places I have lived:
Walla Walla, Washington
Nez Pierce, Idaho
Joseph, Oregon
Provo, Utah
Scottsdale, Arizona

6. 5 Jobs I have had:
Keypunch operator
Sales assoc. at a china store
Office manager
MOTHER-saved the best for last

I tag: No I'm not going to tag. Sorry, don't be upset.


Anonymous said...

thanks for humoring me. now humor me some more and consider a kirby tracking blog.

Jody said...

what a good mom! hugs


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