Thursday, July 26, 2007

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman

I just have to tell all of you, again, how in love I am with this blog: I find myself laughing or drooling almost daily. As a girl I was sooooo horse crazy and for a time we lived in Paradise Valley, AZ and I had horses around me; I could just walk out my back door and in less than a minute I was up on the neighbors corral fence looking at the horses with longing, love and envy. At school recess I would sign up for my turn to take one of the nice ropes outside not for jump-rope but to put in my mouth as a horses bit and gallop around the play-ground with my horse lover friends (the jump rope group did not appreciate this). My dear great-aunt Ester Perrault of Washington state raised quarter horses and Mom let me stay with her for a week when I was about 11 years old. I was in heaven; what a great summer adventure that was. At home my window ledge was lined up with horse figurines and Mom got me a subscription to Quarter Horse Monthly magazine for Christmas....heaven every month!! I am still enamored by these beautiful animals and love them. Elegance, power, velvet noses. There is something great about riding horses-wonderful. You older kids will no doubt remember the Arabians we had in Beavercreek and yes, I was loving that so much. I am a farm girl at heart. I think I need land, garden and critters. Having said that, I truly believe in the adage "Bloom Where You're Planted". Happy day. 3


Anonymous said...

Ree (like we are on a first name basis) is in Chicago today speaking at a BlogHer conference. When your blog reaches monumental popularity as PW has and you are asked to be a keynote speaker, can I go with you? I'm a pretty good traveling companion and am good for an occasional laugh... Can you say "Knotty Times with Big Dave?"
(Now THERE'S a blog name!)

MarySue said...

K-You are always fun!!! I think we might get to NY and purse buying before this old gal ever is a keynote speaker for anything. As far as Knotty time etc. I won't even try to explain here. Fam can call if interested in that funny story. Happy day.


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