Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Citrus Blossoms Popping

What a blessing to have a busy day and oh so pretty outside. The citrus trees are getting fuller every day with blossoms and they remind me of the Primary song
Popcorn Popping On The Apricot Tree.
The fragrance is intoxicating and I LOVE IT.
Sending you wishes for a great day and asking you . . .
do you have a love of citrus blossoms?
Find this and other cute printables here.


Angela said...

Oh, so jealous of you! Smelling citrus blossoms, AND you get to have the fruit they turn into! Lucky lady!

Teresa said...

Love the smell of orange blossoms,
we had a wonderful warm spring day yesterday...then today cold. =)

Jody said...

I need to be there and get my share of aromatherapy!love and hugs


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