Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pilgrim Gratitude

Why did they come? They tell us plainly in the governing document they signed, the Mayflower Compact:
"For the Glory of God and the Advancement of the Christian faith, and the honour of our King and Country."
They wanted to worship the Lord in the way their consciences and their understanding of Holy Scripture led them, which included building a community in which they could daily live out their faith in Jesus Christ. They called their dangerous effort "an errand into the wilderness." Sadly, many of them died in that first terrible year. Hunger and disease took their toll. But the Pilgrims are honored because they did not give up. When their little ship, the Mayflower, returned to England, not one of their little band abandoned the call. They called on God to sustain them. And they accepted the timely help of the Wampanoag Indians, especially the English-speaking Squanto. Without this help, they might all have died.

I want to remember more than just the taste of our family stuffing and the yummy pies. More than the love that will abound with family around with the accompanying hugs and kisses. I want to vocally be thankful to those early pilgrims who sacrificed much including life for religious liberty. Thank's to you brave men and women. May we strive to be as brave.

1 comment:

Hezstone said...

Oh my goodness, I just had a 11th grade History.


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