Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Dad and Diapers

I loved hearing the story of my dad, your Papa, coming home each night and taking care of the days worth of used cloth diapers one of us girls produced..I'm pretty sure Jody and I were in diapers at the same time. After the wash was done Papa would climb up into the attic (heat rises) where he'd take down the previous day's cleaned and dried diapers and put up the clean wet ones. I don't know if Dad told me he used drying racks or not. Maybe it was a line of some sorts. In my mind or maybe memory I always thought it was drying racks. Maybe my love of drying my clothes on the line was inherited. This is a precious story to me, Dad helping Mom keeping bottoms dry. Goodness Mom must have been so busy with 3 little girls, two in cloth diapers etc. Those were the days of no permanent press anything and everything was ironed. She was such a hard worker, great homemaker and cook. Mom told me she would mop the floors at night when all we kiddos were in bed. I always remember a clean house and good food on the table and Mom never complaining about any of it. What a great example. I so love both of my parents. You can file this story away in your memory to bring out and share whenever. Who knows, the current economic trends might even get more people to dry their laundry in such a fashion. Loves.

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

Happy Birthday to Dad/Steve! Please tell him for us (I don't have his number and I think AK might get it to us too late!). Love, Anet & the kiddos


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