Monday, October 13, 2008

Attention!!! Attention!!!

Here I am again reminding you of the importance for those of us in Ariz to vote YES on Prop 102, the marriage amendment. In the states of California, Arizona and Florida there are marriage amendments up for vote. If you haven't made up your mind to vote for such an amendment that would make marriage only between one man and one woman legal, please, please watch this. Thank you. Thank you.

And teaching this in schools is just one of the consequences of this amendment failing. Churches would be forced to marry same-sex couples against their beliefs or be sued and/or lose tax exemption. Charitable organizations, certain adoption agencies, and groups like the Boy Scouts of America that do tremendous good in our society will be forced to change their policies or close down... It's started in MA. It's at our doors.


Trevlyn said...

Yes on 102!!!

Unknown said...

No comment, but a question: can you post your sources for showing people how the AZ or any other state propositions for gay marriage rights would impact church's who don't believe in and don't want to conduct gay marriages?


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