We have this grand relationship, Trevlyn and I. I freely give her my blog passwords and she freely gives me blogovers. She's a wiz(ard) at it and I'm so proud of her self taught skills!!! The nice thing too is that she is so thoughtful of my tastes and feelings and if I want her to tweak a color or pattern she is so sweet and accommodating. I've been playing around over the last couple days to change the look of my two blogs but Trevlyn gave me these surprise rescues and I love them.
You need to also check out Butte-iful Sister's for it's new look...please. Tell me, how do you like them?
I told Trevlyn I'm considering giving a prize to a blog reader of a Trevlyn blogover. Can I pull that off? Just a thought.
I hope you've had a good Sabbath. You see I have to end this on a Sabbath note. Here is one of many favorite quotes from the Relief Society lesson I'm still preparing for next week:
"May we also demonstrate kindness and love within our own families. Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God's Spirit can dwell, where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns and peace dwells." Pres. Thomas S. Monson
Today's Relief Society lesson was great and cool Becca delievered it perfectly. She's also a new blogger and I love, love reading her blog (the fact that I know the kids makes it extra appealing). Check out Daily Grapefruit for some fun. Glad to know ya Becca.
The blog overs are great! I would love a Trev blog over. I love the header on both blogs. Lovely!
You're sweet for letting me invade your "space"! ;)
Thanks for sharing that beautiful quote from Pres. Monson! I love the imagary of the "storm stop(ping) at the door"! I'll work harder on that!
I am so impressed how prepared you always were for lessons. Do you have any tips for preparing sharing time for Primary kids. I seem to have a harder time with the junior keeping them occupied and all. I love it but want to keep the attention and get my message across. Any ideas would help. You can email me if you want ashleymartin11@yahoo.com
I love your designs and comments. Thanks for the nice remarks about me on Katie's blog. We feel the same way about you and look forward to seeing you again soon.
Your blogs look great! I keep trying to redo mine but am never satisfied.
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