Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Little Halloween Deco

Well I hauled in the boxes of Halloween decorations from the garage and started the seasonal transformation last night. I have to take much of the current deco upstairs and stash it until January. It's a worthy cause. I love seasonal deco.

I found these pretty little wreaths at Big Lo.ts and uncoiled the wires that held them together.

I placed three of them around the chandelier and think it looks really nice and fallish. Here's the aerial view...can't you picture me standing on the dining room chair for this shot.

Side view. It looks prettier but since it was last night and the lighting wasn't great it doesn't show as well.
Mantel in family room seems a tad sparse but okay.
Candles for now in the fireplace...too hot still at 100 degrees outside. Can you see that chunky brown candle? It has carved oak leaves on it and a great, great fragrance to it. I bought a pair of them last year after the season holiday-marked down from $9.99 each to $2.48 each. Score! At Tar.get.

Part of the growing black cat collection. If anyone finds a darling, inexpensive black cat tell me where and I might go get it. Or...I might hope there are still some the day after Halloween and then go and snatch one up-that's my mode of operation. This is my second wreath holder. I found it when in PA with the kids last May at Knoebel's in the gift shop. I had to unscrew the tip finial to fit it in my suitcase flying home. I think 2 wreath holders is all I need and it's fun to have one that reminds me of the PA kids and grands.

I still have some garland to put on the windows, book shelf and mirror over the piano but that's all.

Now to get ready to teach a pie baking class at my home tomorrow. Maybe I'll get away with photographing the event and blogging it for you-I'll ask permission, it's the right thing to do. We are such a pie family. A from scratch pie family. Has anyone found a reputable publication on pie being a health food? It's just fruit, right.


Trevlyn said...

Your decorations are so cute and festive! Can't wait to see them in person! Pies....Marie Calender's is having their sale right now....next best thing to your homemade ones!

MarySue said...

Thanks sweet girl for your comments. Making my heart feel appreciated. Loves.

Dory Knight said...

I think you need a cute Tortoise colored cat in your black cat collection in honor of my kitty, Harris!

MarySue said...



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