Monday, September 1, 2008


I hope you have a "day off"!!! SL and I are laboring to ready the yard, pool, house and grill for a young-single-adult swim and barbecue here today. These events always turn out so well and the young adults are so impressive that it is a pleasure to host them.

I'm also very connected to the news reports on hurricane Gustav that is hitting the Gulf states this morning. It looks not as bad as potentially reported downgrading to a cat 3. I hope we are all remembering the people in this area in our prayers.

Today is also a sort and sift day pertaining to my Relief Society notebook as I was released from my calling yesterday after almost 3 years. Yesterday was very emotional and teary and love filled. Sandi V. told me to expect that but that Monday would be better. She's right, as usual. I must give a shout out to Cheryl W., Sandi V. and Claudia M. who completed the presidency currently for being most awesome. Our love and friendship will never end. Kimberly M. and Kathy S. (aka kms) were previously in that presidency who also have my undying love, respect and friendship. What huge blessings await us as we give service to our Savior and His Kingdom. This has been a privilege!I'm also posting a wonderful poem Jody gave me at Butte-iful Sisters. I hope you check it out.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Good luck with the party. Change is hard. You were a great RS president. You will be missed. Do you have a new calling?


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