Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm trying to wrap up the Oregon photos but managed to post them backwards. I still have a few more to share but this is it for today. You may want to go to the end of this post and read upwards but that's not necessary. Thanks for your calls kids and appreciation for these vacation picks. Wish we were all together up there for a vacation!!

My feet after the wedding. I was the last out of the kitchen and saw this pile of ice someone dumped. Oh this felt good.
Skippie sewed she, Cindy and I matching aprons for serving at the wedding. You know what an apron freak I am and this was soooo great. Much thanks Skippie.
Linny flew up for the wedding and was part of the terrific kitchen crew. I can never get enough of my kiddos and grands.

Grapes washed, dried, snipped into portions, packed to transporting to wedding.

When it came to mixing all the ingredients for the chicken salad, I called in the muscle!!! Thanks Paul and Ben. How fun work is when with fun family. I so appreciated and needed that help!

Fun at the Clackamus County Fair in Canby.

We love the livestock at the fair. Emily "Aunt Mimi" loves being with her nieces and nephew.

Emily and Matt photo. Cute, cute.

After the parade to open the fair we walked back to Emily & Matt's house. Matt was in the front of the parade in the fire engine but we were late and missed seeing him.

Wonderful, small town America parade in Canby. Candy was being thrown everywhere and our gang left with bulging pockets.
What a combo...horse and flag!!!!

Crossing the river on the ferry-looking downstream.
Driving onto the Canby River Ferry. I love this!!!

After all the years taking my morning walks while in Oregon, this year there were actually yard/garage sales in her neck-of-the-woods. I got these planters at a steal. Yes, I'm with you...how do I get these home. Welllllll, maybe, Skippie and Garry might have room for them when they drive down in January. If not, and that is a real possibility, Jody, please, please hide them so Ed doesn't throw them away. I think I need help.

Self portrait hoping you could see how sweaty I am after an hour in the sun picking blueberries. This was a very warm three weeks for Oregon.
My gallon bag of blueberries. They are in Jody's freezer. I thought I might get around to making jam and then trying to jam to AZ but it didn't happen. Cindy and Jody also picked a gallon each and there was good visiting while we melted.

Cindy and Jody at a nursery by Jody's home. I took the sister's for their birthday lunch then we enjoyed the flowers and blueberry picking.

The end of todays photo-journal of the Oregon stay. Love and kisses kids. P.S. I managed to wear matching shoes on my walk this morning. Thought you'd like knowing that :)


Trevlyn said...

Just as fun and beautiful as I imagined! The picture of Emily and Matt is gorgeous!

Christie K said...

Thanks for sharing the photos! Looks like great fun!

MarySue said...

I'm glad you're enjoying the photos sweet girls. I love you.

Audra said...

Ah! Linny was there. Tell her hi!

Love the blueberries. I am jealous.

Matching shoes - that is too normal. Not sure we can still be friends. Hmm. Ok - we can!


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