Remember all that blogging I've done about getting a table for backyard family gatherings. Well, I haven't bored you with my attempts like the curb side picnic table and benches a couple blocks over...the same block on which Kirby and I collided etc. It was the week of curb side pick up but just looked too nice for that so I left a note on their front gate asking them to call me if I could haul it off. No call. Two days later it was gone, "lifted". I mourned the loss . . . but only briefly. Next good friend KMS called me telling me of a good sale at Ikea on outdoor tables for $99. It was really tempting but also no way to haul home from way out in Tempe. Well, said friend again called to tell me of a Smith and Hawkins clearance table at Target (do you ever pronounce it Tar-jhay). Since today was major clean and prepare for the singles ward party at the house plus a wonderful baptism to attend I didn't get promptly to Target. After said baptism I hauled over and found the table snatched up. The lucky duck. Undaunted, customer service gave me phone number's of two other Target's close by and I got to use their red customer service phones to call. I found one still at another location. Since it's clearance they said they aren't allowed to put a hold on it but my begging and saying I was leaving one Target and driving directly to theirs, pretty please hold it for me, oh please, oh please seemed to work. Nice young man said to hurry and he would bring it up front. I can't make a long story short it appears but I'm trying. After all that, I then call darling Trevlyn and ask if she and Mark could meet me and pick up this big table that I can't begin to fit in my car. Darling Mark drove right over, loaded it up after finding it wasn't brought up front but rather to the garden center, and brought it over to the house and helped SLK contect the legs and we had it up and running for the singles ward party tonight. Thank you sooooo much. What a great son-in-law and having a truck to boot. Here it is....ta da.
• Dine Outdoors with this Traditional Outdoor Dining Table• Part of the Smith & Hawken Marlton 2008 Dining Collection• Walnut-Colored Hardwood Frame with Stained Finish• Weather Resistant, Extreme Weather Resistant for the Harshest Conditions• Features Kiln-Dried Materials, Galvanized Anodized-Steel Hardware• Turned Legs, Slatted Tabletop• Forest Stewardship Council Certified (FSC)• Apply Oil to Maintain Color• Assembly Required; Tools Provided• 1-Year Manufacturer Warranty• Seats 4 Comfortably• Table Measures 68Lx38Wx29H "• Supports Umbrellas with 38.1 mm. Pole Diameter
Men at work. Thanks you good workers sooo much. I'm off to fix you a vegamite sandwich.
Assembly was easy. Whew.
Cheese. He looks so happy to be helping his MIL. I'm so thankful.
Sorry I cut off their heads. I think my focus was the table...duh.
You can faintly see the optional umbrella hole in the center (as opposed to off-center).
Tessa was enjoying the outdoors asssembly when she spotted a big ant and decided putting together a puzzle inside was just fine.

• Dine Outdoors with this Traditional Outdoor Dining Table• Part of the Smith & Hawken Marlton 2008 Dining Collection• Walnut-Colored Hardwood Frame with Stained Finish• Weather Resistant, Extreme Weather Resistant for the Harshest Conditions• Features Kiln-Dried Materials, Galvanized Anodized-Steel Hardware• Turned Legs, Slatted Tabletop• Forest Stewardship Council Certified (FSC)• Apply Oil to Maintain Color• Assembly Required; Tools Provided• 1-Year Manufacturer Warranty• Seats 4 Comfortably• Table Measures 68Lx38Wx29H "• Supports Umbrellas with 38.1 mm. Pole Diameter
Now I do know it's not in good taste to talk price but this was such a SCORRRRE would you please forgive me and let me share. If not you can just stop reading now and go to some other blog with an author with better taste.
The original price tag said $269.00 and I got it for $67.67. Can you just imagine how stoked I am. The description said seats 4 comfortably...hogwash. I'll easily get 8 around this baby. It's under the patio right now but come fall and cooler weather I think I'm pulling it out and serving many a meal on it.
Men at work. Thanks you good workers sooo much. I'm off to fix you a vegamite sandwich.

Oh I understand the thrill of a good find, and I am thrilled for you right now. Congratulations on your new addition!
Aunt Sue, it's gorgeous!! I love it. Congrats!! XOXO, see you soon!!!!!
I love it! Very nice!
LOL Rebecca Jarman just got this whole set she would be mad that you got it for so cheep. She got it at 50% off too. But you got a smokin' deal! Congrats! I love it!
On the note of good deals last weekend I found a bombay chest originaly $250 for $75 could not pass up that I've always wanted one! Love the thrifty shopping!
So happy for you to find a table at such a great deal! It's much more fun to play inside with the scorpions than outside with an ant! hee hee!
I LOVE that table. Mike and I almost bought it on clearance the other week but it was still almost 200. Congrats!
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