Friday, April 4, 2008

Lennon Sisters

Oh the memories of watching the Lawrence Welk Show on Saturday nights. The big draw for me were the Lennon Sisters. It was fun to grow-up along with them and fun to look back and see the clothing and hairstyle changes. I realize I will probably loose most readers now, or at least ones that comment due to the dated group. Undaunted, I carry on.
When the oldest sister married she dropped out of the group and now we had a trio. They were still really good. Now the big sister is back. I vividly remember when she just came back to the group and can't find a photo to depict that time. She did not fit in hairstyle-wise. She just wasn't "with it".
I also remember well a time when my hair was very unsatisfactory to me. Just not cool. I was talking to Cindy and told her I felt like the oldest Lennon sister when she came back to the group.
I'm feeling that way again. I need a haircut badly but don't want to go back to my same old style. I want something different but I don't know what. I've been experimenting with less "big hair" styles and I really don't think it's working for me.
D says that no matter how I get my hair cut I always style it the same. This is said somewhat politely but to get a message across also. She's right.
Aren't those gals looking good! Well, I'm off to fix my hair for the day. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

We just need the find the right kind of big and the right kind of style that you want. But honestly, you always look fabulous.

Trevlyn said...

I second that! You're adorable! I have such great memories of watching the Lawrence Welk show on Saturday nights as you put pink foam rollers in my hair!


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