Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Preparing Myself for Easter

Walk With Me by Greg Olsen
I didn't want to wait until Easter Sunday to share my feelings with you. I hope this won't come across as pompous but I was hoping we could join together in more fully preparing for Easter. There have been times in my life when that preparing was too heavy in:
menu planning,
bunny day activities,
table and house decorations or
what dress will I wear to church.
I want to prepare my heart and life more fully.

Learning about our Savior Jesus Christ at this time period in his life is not for the faint of heart but then neither is life. I find life takes courage. Life takes self discipline. Life takes dedication. Life takes sacrifice. Life takes putting aside the carnal (worldly) man (woman) and living more fully spiritually. Jesus is the best example of all that, all I hope we are striving to be. Often I feel so weak but I know if I am trying to do all I can, all that is expected of me-of which I completely embrace-I will be strengthened and blessed.
Finding time or maybe that should be making time to read Matthew, Mark, Luke or John to get closer to our Savior is so very valuable. May I recommend it. Take it as a gentle challenge. I know we will feel the blessings. I know our hearts and minds will be touched and we will be spiritually fed a feast.
He lives. I don't want to ever visually dwell on images of the cross or the crucifixion. Those are a reality, a horrid reality. He suffered for the sins of the world. Can mind comprehend that. He did it out of love for us and obedience to the Father. I am so grateful. It makes me strive to live the life He desires for me. I know that life will bring me the greatest joy now, though life will not be without heartbreak, and eternal joy hereafter.
Wishing you a wonderful week leading up to your Easter celebration.


Anonymous said...

Jody loved your thoughts today and I up for the challenge to once again read those chapters in the New Testament. Love Ya

Kate said...

Thank you for the reminder... as I prepare to go out of town for Easter...this (I have to admit) was the last thing I was thinking of...


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