How I ended the old year. . . Linny and I drove up to Sedona. We talked nonstop the entire way, enjoyed that beautiful red rock country and then hit a traffic snarl like I've never been in before. Just as we got into Oak Creek Canyon it was bumper-to-bumper due to an accident that looked really bad between a motor home and a trailer rig. It was spread out for quite a distance and that little 2 way road was down to 1 lane. Linny is loving photography so pictures were being snapped out the windows and we enjoyed the scenery. When we finally got past the snarls we only traveled a short distance before we realized the road was also shut down again to one lane due to construction. We were amazed at the traffic coming from the north/Flagstaff that didn't end either.When we finally arrived at our destination, the family favorite WEST FORK, we were informed of a fatality on I-17 so all the Flagstaff traffic was diverted to our little highway. I was surprised at the amount of snow in West Fork, 2-3 inches and was very happy my boy-scout mentality had me well prepared with wool sweater, Eddie Bauer down jacket, wool scarf and gloves. I didn't ever think I would actually wear all of it but did. I looked well padded but toasty. We spent endless time photographing everything!!! For those of you who have been there you can understand how easy that is. For those of you who haven't hiked our family favorite canyon, let's do it in 2008. That's an invitation I hope you'll take me up on. We started hearing from several hikers coming out that the trail was extremely icy and that people were falling. When we got to that very icy area we actually turned around and came out. We never got to any of the streams to rock-hop but thought it better we were able to walk out on our own. Maybe Linny was worried about an old mom flat on her back. Now - I'm so embarrassed to report that I got a camera for Christmas and didn't take it with me. I knew Linny was taking hers and just thought I'd share her photos here and after being there I wouldn't have wanted to take my gloves off to work the camera. I'll share some awesome photos as soon as I get them.
What were you doing when the new year rolled in? I was sleeping and I'm not embarrassed by that fact. I'm up before 7 a.m., doing laundry, catching up on the news, and blogging just for you. Dori left Sunday after church, Linny leaves today and then the house will be sooooo empty with just SLK and me. Oh how I will miss those girls!!! I have one week to get the decorations and tree put away and the house in order for the next Relief Society dinner and Visiting Teaching Conference. What, you say, can't you get that done in a day? Fair question. Answer, NO. If you know me you understand. It's actually good that I have that dinner so I actually get going.
Well, enough chatter. Off to fix a Dutch Baby breakfast to start the new year off on an unhealthy eating note but after that it is definitely back on my WW wagon. I'll try and get that recipe on KITK soon. I do most sincerely wish you a wonderful new year. We all know there will be ups and downs, stumbles, illness etc. but we will persevere and know that as we strive to keep the commandments and be spiritually minded that we can have a wonderful year. I love you (easy to say on this blog since basically only 1 or 2 of my family read this) and you fill my heart with more joy than you can imagine. Happy, happy 2008. P.S. photos uploaded from internet...love internet photos! Sorry the West Fork photos are summer and not the snowy scenes we encountered.
Happy New Year. We broke from the Dutch Baby tradition and did Monkey bread...The boys wouldn't turn off their videos unti 2 AM so I'm happy but half awake!! XOXO
Jody was wide awake to bring in the New Year 2008. Ben and I teamed up against many and paul and beat them at Tribond!!!!! We started the day with Orange rolls. Yes, Jan 2 calls for a newer and healthier eating. Glad you girls got home safe. love ya loads
I'm so glad that you liked my suggestion of Tribond. I did have a few fun games of You Blew It with the girls. I love that game.
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