Hurray, D & L made it home after a long delay in flying out of SLC and then another 1 hour delay getting their luggage . . . BUT THEY ARE HOME!!!! I could ask for nothing more for Christmas. Oh sure, you say, after you already bought me a gift. You didn't know how easy it was to please me . . . yes you did. All I want for Christmas is my kiddos and grands!!! Yessiree. And great thanks for darling A2K letting them park their cars at their house and then getting them safely to the airport. I'm very grateful and blessed. Yessiree again. We had a little celebratory, glad-you're-home dinner at Macaroni Grill. A fabulous dinner and bonus run into of another wonderful friend and fellow blogger. She was celebrating her dear hubby's birthday, I really like him too. I'm thankful for friends even when they are so much younger; friendship should be ageless . . . did I always feel this way or just as I've gotten "older". Thanks D for the cell phone picture.

We had our Christmas cantata at church today and it is always such a privilege to sing songs of praise to my Savior. Have you ever wondered if you were one of the herald angels that sang to the shepherds to announce/herald the birth of our Savior? I bet we were all there!!!! I heard something today from dear Sandi V. that's stuck in my mind and will share. She asked the questions "how do you want to be remembered?". We have so much control over what people remember about us by the way we interact with them. Makes me want to strive to be more loving, gentle, sharing, hard working, and strive to be more spiritual. Oh, that sounds too much like a new years resolution blog. Not yet!

Almost forgot. A couple of days ago I was thinking about Grandma Knight's toffee that she diligently made and sent us year after year. That wonderful homemade toffee with all those chocolate chips and each little piece individually wrapped in foil. I thought I better post it on Knight's In The Kitchen, but didn't get around to it. Well, wouldn't you know two kiddos requested the recipe today!!! It's now on the KITK blog. It's not a refined English toffee recipe but rather "rustic". We all love it and maybe you might like to try it too. Bye for now.
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